Yeah, this is even cutting annual close. So, we haven't had either of these for a while, and I'll have some time off from school around the holidays. Hopefully not too many people are so far off with their families that they can't even be near a computer for an hour.
Trivia: In the #psypoketrivia chat channel on
Saturday, December 27, at 7:00 PM EST.
Jeopardy: In the #psypokejeopardy chat channel on
Saturday, January 3, at 7:00 PM EST.
Click the links for other time zones.
For using the java applet to access the chats: go
here, click on the Java Applet link, and type
/join #psypoketrivia or
/join #psypokejeopardy when you're connected.
1. Do not argue if you thought that you buzzed in/answered before someone else. Everything is based on what appears on my screen only.
2. Do not PM any ops, especially me. If you have a complaint/question/whatever, wait until a break.
3. Do not use /me or similar.
4. Do not use any reference materials (such as the site).
5. You must identify yourself as your forum name in order to be eligible for a prize.
Jeopardy specific rules:
6. Answers MUST be given in a question format such as "What is Pikachu?". This will be taken loosely, but drastic mixups between "where" and "who" will be called incorrect. (Pokemon are considered as "what"s)
7. Special op/voice rule: try not to talk while someone is answering a question.
8. Tiger != Alex Trebek.
Psybucks are currently extinct, so there's not much in the form of fake money that I can give winners. Instead, they have to be satisfied with something like gratitude that they won. Well, umm, a pat on the back or something.
The Trivia King/Queen rank is up for grabs, and a temporary voice (+v) in #psypoke will be offered to the winners. If trainer cards make a comeback, ribbons will be earned for those.
For everyone else, your prize is entertainment.
What is a Trivia/Jeopardy?
The following links contain chat logs.
viewtopic.php?p=56128#p56128 (yeah, old)
viewtopic.php?f=24&t=22914 (see middle of long first post)
Are the questions Pokemon-related?
Yes, although there is a special category for random knowledge in Jeopardy.
Why should I go?
Because it's something really fun and worthwhile, and because I said so.
What time is it in my time zone?
Click the link and find out.
Is there freezing?
Trivia includes freezing whereas Jeopardy does not.
Why can't I talk when I get in there?
This would be supposing that you're late and +m is set. This usually means that it is between questions. +m is a special mode to be set on chat channels that mutes people without special privileges (voice or op). These are only given to staff members and people choosing questions.
How will typos be dealt with?
If they are understandable, they will be acceptable.
What happens to rule-breakers?
Really bad stuff.
(Jeopardy) Does only "buzz" work for buzzing in?
Yes, so you better type it out first and wait for -m to press enter. Even missing a "z" or using colors would cause the script to skip over you.
(Jeopardy) What are the special commands that will be included?
!chart: Shows the chart to the person choosing the next question.
!stop: Stops the countdown when a person is answering a question.
!q (category) (amount): Selects the next question.
!wager (amount): Allows an easier process for wagering in daily doubles, daily triples and final jeopardy.
Only the third and fourth commands there will be mandatory. All will be brought up during the event.