I tried searching for Stat Increasing moves, and then this happened:
You searched for "Stat Increase" moves. Results:
-- Error --
Invalid query: SELECT DISTINCT a.atknum,a.name,a.type,a.effect_chance,a.effect_notes,e.effect,japanese
FROM dex_attacks_data d,dex_attacks a, dex_attacks_effect e
WHERE e.effectnum=a.effectnum AND class LIKE '%Stat Increase%' AND a.atknum=d.atknum AND generation=5
ORDER BY IF(name = '', japanese, name)
MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'class' in 'where clause'
Stack Trace:
Query() [/var/www/vhosts/psypokes.com/htdocs/dex/search/tmpvqgeffect.php#37]
include() [/var/www/vhosts/psypokes.com/htdocs/dex/atksearch.php#96]
Someone should probably get on that at some point.